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Breyton BE Force4 Gun

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Breyton BE Force4 Gun
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Breyton BE Force4 Gun 7,5x17 5-100 E35 C57,1 7,5 17 5-100 35 mm 57,10 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 8x17 5-112 E45 C66,5 8 17 5-112 45 mm 66,50 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 8x18 5-100 E35 C57,1 8 18 5-100 35 mm 57,10 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 8,5x18 5-112 E50 C66,5 8,5 18 5-112 50 mm 66,50 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 8,5x19 5-112 E50 C66,5 8,5 19 5-112 50 mm 66,50 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 8,5x20 5-112 E45 C66,5 8,5 20 5-112 45 mm 66,50 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 9x20 5-112 E40 C66,5 9 20 5-112 40 mm 66,50 mm
Breyton BE Force4 Gun 10x20 5-112 E45 C66,5 10 20 5-112 45 mm 66,50 mm